Recent Publications

Reproductive Justice and the Catholic Church: Advancing Pragmatic Solidarity with Pregnant Women (Sheed & Ward, 2024).

with Simeiqi He, eds., Reproduction and the Common Good: Global Perspectives from the Catholic Tradition. Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church book series, no. 6. (Wipf & Stock, 2024). Available for free download in collaboration with the Journal of Moral Theology.

“Catholic Health Care and Reproductive Justice: Whose Conscience Has Priority When Conscience Claims Collide?” Journal of Moral Theology 6 (CTEWC Book Series 6): 358–90.

 “Interpreting Mk 5: 25–34 in Solidarity with Women Who Have Experienced Pregnancy Loss ” Irish Theological Quarterly. Volume 89, Issue 4.

“Abortion, Politics, and the Missing Voices of Women” Forum Blog of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church. September 1, 2024.

“Drawing from the Wells of a Feminist Theologian, Ethicist, and Community Mobilizer: Reflections on the Life, Works, and Legacy of Rev. Dr. Melissa Brown Browning (1977-2021),” with Damaris Parsitau, tribute chapter in Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics, 2ed, edited by Aana Marie Vigen and Christian Scharen (London: Bloomsbury, 2024).

Mulieris Dignitatem and Redemptoris Custos,” in Modern Catholic Family Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations, edited by Jacob M. Kohlhaas and Mary M. Doyle Roche (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2024).

“Four Holy Women Who Model Reproductive Discernment,” US Catholic Magazine (February 1, 2024).

“Donne e Chiesa,” Pratiche pastorali, esperienze di vita e teologia morale, ed. Maurizio Chiodi e Miguel Yáñez (Milano: San Paolo, 2023), 409-416.

“The Shared Strengths of Catholic Social Teaching and Reproductive Justice,” Conscience vol. 44, no. 1 (2023): 18-20.

“A Year After Dobbs: What About Maternal Life?” National Catholic Reporter (June 29, 2023).

Co-author (with Meghan Clark and Anna Kasafi Perkins), “Introduction to the Special Issue on Intersectional Methods and Moral Theology,” Journal of Moral Theology, vol 12, special issue 1 (2023): 1-18.

Co-editor (with Meghan Clark and Anna Kasafi Perkins), Journal of Moral Theology, vol 12, special issue 1 (2023).

“Wisdom from a Reproductive Justice Framework,” Journal of Moral Theology 12:1 (January 2023): 131-134.

“Miscarriage of Justice,” in Disturbing the Foundations: Feminist Ethicists Respond to the Dobbs Decision for Catholic Re-Visions/Political Theology Network (July 22, 2022).

Amoris Laetitia at Five,” Theological Studies 83:1 (2022): 109-132.

“An Intersectional View of Love in Marriage,” in Jason King and Julie Hanlon Rubio, Eds., Sex, Love, and Families: Catholic Perspectives. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2020. 125-135.

“Winning the Hearts and Minds of Catholics in a Church Divided,” Religion News Service Op-Ed. September 18, 2020.

“Another Pro-Life Movement is Possible,” Catholic Theological Society of America Proceedings. 74 (2019): 21-41.

  • An article praising the address on which this article is based was published here: Jamie Manson, “New Generation Emerges at CTSA,” National Catholic Reporter, 6/19/2019.
  • An opinion piece saying the argument was “fatally flawed” was published here: Michael Sean Winters, “On both sides of the abortion debate, Catholics largely fall short.” National Catholic Reporter, 1/22/2020.
  • A podcast by Catholic Answers apologist Trent Horn describing the paper as “sloppy” and “anti-feminist” is available on YouTube via Counsel of Trent here.

“On Women’s Health and Women’s Power: A Feminist Appraisal of Humanae Vitae,” Theological Studies 79:4 (2018): 818-840.