Recent Publications

Reproductive Justice and the Catholic Church: Advancing Pragmatic Solidarity with Pregnant Women (Sheed & Ward, 2024).

“Abortion, Politics, and the Missing Voices of Women” Forum Blog of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church. September 1, 2024.

“Drawing from the Wells of a Feminist Theologian, Ethicist, and Community Mobilizer: Reflections on the Life, Works, and Legacy of Rev. Dr. Melissa Brown Browning (1977-2021),” with Damaris Parsitau, tribute chapter in Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics, 2ed, edited by Aana Marie Vigen and Christian Scharen (London: Bloomsbury, 2024).

Mulieris Dignitatem and Redemptoris Custos,” in Modern Catholic Family Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations, edited by Jacob M. Kohlhaas and Mary M. Doyle Roche (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2024).

“Four Holy Women Who Model Reproductive Discernment,” US Catholic Magazine (February 1, 2024).

“Donne e Chiesa,” Pratiche pastorali, esperienze di vita e teologia morale, ed. Maurizio Chiodi e Miguel Yáñez (Milano: San Paolo, 2023), 409-416.

“The Shared Strengths of Catholic Social Teaching and Reproductive Justice,” Conscience vol. 44, no. 1 (2023): 18-20.

“A Year After Dobbs: What About Maternal Life?” National Catholic Reporter (June 29, 2023).

Co-author (with Meghan Clark and Anna Kasafi Perkins), “Introduction to the Special Issue on Intersectional Methods and Moral Theology,” Journal of Moral Theology, vol 12, special issue 1 (2023): 1-18.

Co-editor (with Meghan Clark and Anna Kasafi Perkins), Journal of Moral Theology, vol 12, special issue 1 (2023).

“Wisdom from a Reproductive Justice Framework,” Journal of Moral Theology 12:1 (January 2023): 131-134.

“Miscarriage of Justice,” in Disturbing the Foundations: Feminist Ethicists Respond to the Dobbs Decision for Catholic Re-Visions/Political Theology Network (July 22, 2022).

Amoris Laetitia at Five,” Theological Studies 83:1 (2022): 109-132.

“An Intersectional View of Love in Marriage,” in Jason King and Julie Hanlon Rubio, Eds., Sex, Love, and Families: Catholic Perspectives. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2020. 125-135.

“Winning the Hearts and Minds of Catholics in a Church Divided,” Religion News Service Op-Ed. September 18, 2020.

“Another Pro-Life Movement is Possible,” Catholic Theological Society of America Proceedings. 74 (2019): 21-41.

  • An article praising the address on which this article is based was published here: Jamie Manson, “New Generation Emerges at CTSA,” National Catholic Reporter, 6/19/2019.
  • An opinion piece saying the argument was “fatally flawed” was published here: Michael Sean Winters, “On both sides of the abortion debate, Catholics largely fall short.” National Catholic Reporter, 1/22/2020.
  • A podcast by Catholic Answers apologist Trent Horn describing the paper as “sloppy” and “anti-feminist” is available on YouTube via Counsel of Trent here.

“On Women’s Health and Women’s Power: A Feminist Appraisal of Humanae Vitae,” Theological Studies 79:4 (2018): 818-840.